Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sun "Snow Fox" Media Continues to be Fair and Balanced

I don't read 24 Hours, one of Toronto's two free daily newspapers, on my subway ride to work in the morning. Principally, that's because it has almost no news in it. To boot, it's a Sun Media paper. So when I did come across a copy lying about yesterday I shouldn't have been surprised to see this story about Toronto's mayoral race and right wing standard bearer Rob Ford. Well, the link is the only permanent version I could find (from the Toronto Sun). The 24 Hours story (which you might be able to find here) which was on page 5 of the August 23rd edition is significantly worse. Both papers have apparently taken to printing the Rob Ford campaign's latest press release as straight news. Yes, shockingly the Ford campaign thinks that the scandals which dogged the campaign last week are behind them. Breaking news: the Ford campaign also believes that Rob Ford is awesome. How Sun Media can think that qualifies as news is beyond me. When you see 'journalism' like this, it is easy to see why there are so few journalists left.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, my pet bird has become allergic to Sun in her birdcage. Now, I really have no use for the paper.

Anonymous said...

Unlike the Red Star's 5-days of Ford "gotcha" last week, eh? Fail.

CanadianSense said...

You object to the bias in media?

How much air and print are given to the Liberals by the PPG, Torstar regarding issues like Helena, Rahim, body bags, communion wafers or the 28 day delay in Parliament sitting?

I agree media outlets should have more balance.

Ever see Tim Ball on the CBC? David Suzuki Al Gore punish Alberta Oil sands have a weekly show?

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